Water meter reading
VodoTech, spol. s r.o. (VodoTech) reads water meters and provides services pursuant to the service agreement signed with Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s. (SmVaK).
Reporting the meter reading
What to do if I am not at home when an employee comes to read my water meter? If it was not possible to read the water meter on site it is recommended to report the meter reading using any of the following options:
- SmVaK’s free customer phone: 800 292 400
- e-form on the web site www.smvak.cz

Who and when reads the water meters?
How an analysis is carried out?
Water meters are read by the authorised VodoTech employees who should prove their identify by submitting an ID with his/her photo. You can check the identity of an employee by calling the SmVak customer line.
When are the water meters read?
Water meters are read four times a year during the entire reading period (the month). The employees who read water meters are obliged to check consumption points on site at least once a year. If your consumption point is checked four times a year, early detection of a fault or water leakage is possible. Each employee uses a mobile terminal which lists the history of your water consumption. If your consumption seems to be too high or low, you will be informed on site and the situation can be addressed without delay. We would like to ask you to provide support and assistance when VodoTech’s employee comes to your site. The VodoTech’s employees may not collect or accept any payments relating to water supplies and discharge of wastewater, or payment for any other services.